Retirement today is best compared to a massive iceberg drifting across your horizon because some much of what really happens to people during it lies below the surface... out of sight and hidden from traditional conversations and retirement plans. As a result, more and more people are finding it difficult to make a smooth transition to this next phase of life. And studies support the notion
"70% of pre-retirees believe that life in retirement will be better, however, only 40% of actual retires say that it is."
That's a major disconnect and one you don't want to find yourself trying to figure out. One of the main issues is that retirement planning is so focused on money that people often forget to take care of the other areas of life that are crucial to creating a happy, healthy, and connected retirement. They often put off taking care of themselves, their relationships, and who they are when they're not working. As a result, they struggle to replace their work identity, stay connected to family or friends, as well as keep mentally and physically fit. The reality is, running out of money pales in comparison to running out of family, friends, and good health.
Even more frightening is that people who don't take the time to prepare for the mental, physical, and social aspects of retirement run the risk of succumbing to the dark side of retirement. I don't want to spoil chapter three in our book Naked Retirement, but one of the harshest factors no one talks about is that new and existing retirees face the highest rates of suicide, are most at risk for depression, and may not be healthy enough to do the things they desire most in retirement. So much for all the time and freedom retirement is supposed to provide, right?
Drug Abuse Doubles For Baby Boomers
Figures released by the US-based National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2011 showed that the percentage of Americans
aged 50-59 who reported having abused illicit or prescription drugs more than doubled to 62% from 27% between 2002 and 2009.
CDC Says Suicide Rates highest Among Baby Boomers - Atlanta, Georgia
As recent as 2010, The Center For Disease Control and Prevention reported that sucide rates among those aged 35-64 increased in all
states with the highest percentage increases among men in their 50's and 60's.
Harsh Reality: Many Not Fit Enough to Enjoy Retirement
40% of baby boomer respondents said it was difficult for them to kneel or stoop, stand for two hours, walk one quarter mile, climb 10 steps
without resting, reach over their head and grasp small objects...
That's a shocking side of retirement that people don't talk about let alone plan for. What's worse is that it is happening, literally every day to people you know and love… and it can happen to you if you're not prepared. But it doesn't have to be that way. And thankfully, you're taking the first steps to make sure it doesn't happen to you. In fact, by simply being here and taking the time to read this and our free retirement guides, you're in select company. It's an exclusive club because there are so few financial professionals telling people they need to do this stuff and that it's important to start right now.
It's Time To Focus On You & Your Overall Well-being
2 minute - Naked Retirement Book and Workshop Trailer
Unfortunately, most people have been trained to believe that retirement is going to be this perfect phase of life that just unfolds automatically and takes care of itself. Yet, that's not the case. To compound the issues, most financial professionals aren't trained to deal with this more personal, non-financial side of retirement. They're focused exclusively on financial products and services... and while that's a necessary part of the overall puzzle, it's miniscule to these others areas because no matter how much money you have, you can't buy good health, close friends, or peace of mind.
Fortunately, I have made it my personal mission to not only help people prepare for these aspects, but also make advisors more aware of their need to acquire the knowledge and skills to help their clients with it. You may have read one or more of my nationally syndicated columns on, Financial Advisor Magazine, Bankrate, or even seen me on CNBC or other TV network channels. As a former social worker and personal trainer turned author, money manager, and retirement activist, I've spent years developing and pioneering the tools and processes you can trust in creating a more meaningful and purpose driven retirement. The secrets, tips, and strategies that also lie below the surface and out of conversations… until now.
You may have read one or more of my nationally syndicated columns on, Financial Advisor Magazine, Bankrate, or even seen me
on CNBC or other TV network channels. As a former social worker and personal trainer turned author, money manager, and retirement activist,
I've spent years developing and pioneering the tools and processes you can trust in creating a more meaningful and purpose driven retirement.
So Why Do Some People Retire Better Than Others?
"Naked Retirement helps you live life to the fullest by staying active and engaged and mindful of personal growth." Craig F. NY
"Most books and magazines only deal with the time prior to retirement, where Bob's book deals with RETIREMENT... somebody is finally talking about the most crucial part of the process." Les & Jackie S. MI
You too can put yourself among the group of people ready to make a successful transition into retirement with some very simple steps and questions designed to break you free from old and outdated thoughts associated with retirement. For example, one of the first exercises we take you through in the Naked Retirement book and video workshop helps you set good expectations for retirement by asking you:
On your retirement cruise, you're left stranded on a deserted island. Normally, this wouldn't be good news - but you're relieved because you no longer have to deal with: a. Family member(s) b. A friend/relationship c. Money d. A specific commitment e. A decision you've been hesitant to make
Not the typical question you get in a financial advisors office right? Here's why it and many others are so important to your life in retirement. This question quickly and concisely pinpoints a major area of stress you may be carrying into retirement. Many soon-to-be retirees assume that problems or issues will just go away once they retire, but that's never the case. In fact, things can actually get worse because you will have more time to dwell on your problem, and fewer distractions to take your attention away from them.
Whether your answer pertains to a relationship, time commitment, or something financial, we have a variety of tips, ideas and strategies you can use to begin reducing retirement stress instead of dragging it with you into retirement. By working towards reducing or eliminating stressful situations and feelings like these, you create space for more positive thoughts and feelings about retirement.
What's encouraging is that we offer tips, tools, and real life stories and strategies like this throughout the material we have put together for you. Consider it a time-tested, proven approach to creating a more personal, creative, and intuitive retirement plan
The Naked Retirement book and workshop video are designed to help you:
"I never expected retirement planning to be so personal and creative. Getting naked was so empowering." Pat W.
As an added bonus, we also want to include a special guide for you. One that will have you feeling grateful every night when you go to bed and help you wake up smiling every morning.
1Added Bonus 1: How To Find Your Passion in Retirement
Living a passionate life can undoubtedly put you in an exclusive club, but many people don't have a process for uncovering their passion in retirement. This can be particularly tough for people who have sacrificed so much by working long hours and saving diligently. As you will see in the guide, I came across an amazing formula that is both simple and profound. With three simple steps and a few minutes of your time, you'll be positioned to not only change your retirement but also be a positive influence in the lives of those around you.
Another thing I have learned and that no one is telling you about retirement is that it's changing in ways no one ever expected. At a time of life
when most people are struggling with what to do and how to fill their time, more and more people are turning their passions and hobbies into
extra cash in their pockets. It's one of the hottest trends that you don't want to miss out on… or be the last one to figure out. Furthermore,
as you'll see in the guide, I consider entrepreneurship an essential investment that everyone need to consider. HINT: Your entire life savings
should NOT be in the stock market
But here's the thing. Starting a business in retirement is very different than anything you have ever done. It's not only more fun and engaging, but also valuable... If you do it the right way. That's why we are including it for you.
2Secrets To Starting A Business For Retirement Income
A prized guide that redefines entrepreneurship in a way that you can grab onto, understand, and apply to your situation. It can have an impact on your overall wellbeing by helping you replace your work identity, fill your time, as well as help others... all the while - putting extra money in your pocket.
The nice things is, once we help you prepare for the mental, social, and physical aspects of retirement, you'll be eloquently positioned to dive back into the financial stuff.
3Eight Wall Street Words Every Retiree Needs To Know
While I don't think you need to be a financial guru, people today are more responsible for their retirement than ever before. That means they need to know the key areas, relevant topics and questions to ask. This way you will be in a position to better understand and make the most of your options and choices... as well as help avoid potential fraud and bad investment advice.
Whether you've recently retired or it's coming up on the horizon, you can feel confident in using these eight Wall Street words and concepts to help make the most of your life savings.
We're committed to helping you retire well which is why we want to come along on the journey with you. Included with this special bundle and pricing is Robert Laura's 1-hour Naked Retirement video presentation. Join us as we guide you through the book, exercise and material.
Funny and insightful stories, feedback, and years of retirement wisdom help you make the most of the material and not only grasp it better, but also start putting it to work in your life right now.
You can get the entire bundle with the bonus guides, and
one-hour workshop video for a one-time investment of $24.95
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to Contact Us.
We want you to feel confident that this will transform your life and put your mind at peace about your future, so the entire program comes with a full, no-questions-asked 60-day guarantee.
Furthermore, since Naked Retirement Bundle is 100% digital, you can be feeling the amazing impact in just a few minutes from RIGHT NOW
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